Rome hates the Bible.

This is what Pope Pius VII, who in 1814 to rehabilitate the Jesuit Society, wrote to the Primate of Poland in 1816:
"Clearly, from experience, that the Holy Scriptures, circulating in the vernacular, have produced more harm than good (to paraphrase Trent) ... We have deliberately taken steps to remedy and abolish this pestilence".
Pope complained that the Bible written in the native language or vernacular, had damaged its interests papists, to the point of treating the pestilence and try to abolish it. 

That the Bible sheds light lies and wickedness of Roman Catholicism Cardinals knew Pope Julius III, therefore advised the following:

(*) "You have to open your eyes and use all possible force in the matter, namely, to allow the lowest possible reading of the Gospel, especially in the native language, in every country under the jurisdiction. Suffice small part usually read the Gospel at Mass, and not allow anyone to read more. As the people are happy with that small portion, interests flourish your Holiness, but when people want to read more, their interests begin to fail. The Bible is a book that, more than any other, has risen against us riots and storms, of which almost drown. In fact, the Cardinals-written, if someone looks closely and compare the teachings of the Bible, as in our churches, then find discord and understand that our teaching is often different from the Bible and never cease to challenge us until all be exposed and then we'll teased and universal hatred. It is therefore necessary to remove the Bible from the view of the town, but carefully, so as not to cause rebellion "(emphasis added). 

(*) This speech is contained in a historical document, the time of the Reformation, National laBiblioteca preserved in Paris, on sheet B, No. 1088, vol. II, p. 641 -650).

Realize the reader being treated here: the Church of Rome has always been the first and tremendous opposition to book claiming to hold and defend: the Bible.

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