Habemus Purgatorium?

The Council of Trent, the architect of the whole dogmatic Roman officialdom exposes clearly:

"If anyone says that after the reception of the grace of justification the guilt is remitted and the debt of eternal punishment is erased every repentant sinner, that no debt is not time to be downloaded in this world or in purgatory before that the gates of heaven can be opened, let him be accursed "(ie, cursed or excommunicated)

For the Catholic Church, the grace that justifies, contradicting what the Bible teaches (cf. Eph. 2: 8, 9), is not enough. For the institution, the faithful will meritar, in this world and the next, in what they call purgatory:

"The sins must be atoned for, this can be done in this world by sorrows, miseries and tribulations of this life and especially by his death"

  In this conciliar dogmatic statement, we see that the true atonement, which managed to Jesus Christ all men absent, and is replaced by "the sorrows, miseries and tribulations of this life." In other words, not only insufficient unique sacrifice of Christ to every man, but, each man must be his own Christ!

On the subject of death, and place of atonement, says Rome continues through the Second Vatican Council: "Otherwise, the atonement must be made in the beyond through fire and torments or purifying punishmentsie , the place of the "purge": the call, purgatory (nonexistent place, incidentally).

For the Catholic Christ's blood is not enough to purge their sins, you need the tormenting fire, which - according to that institution - manages to purge the sins. It is the fire, and not the blood of Christ; terrible blasphemy!

Let us remember the words of the charismatic priest Tom Forrest:

"As a Catholic, I love this I say, we purgatory, thank God! I'm one of those people who never get to see God without it "

Forrest is eager to pass that place of torment, this is called masochism.

In no way Roman Catholicism can be Christian at all!

And yet, as we have said, many evangelicals have come to believe that these poor Catholics are brothers in faith. Sorry, but it can be if you still believe the doctrine of the popes nefarious therefore putting Scripture above.

The Catholic must choose between Scripture and the teaching of the popes. If you choose the former, automatically cease to be Catholic.

One thing is clear, too, when Roman Catholics who have a heart for God come to read the Bible in faith, obeying the dictates above Romanists, find the real Jesus, and cease to be Catholics to be Christians, belonging to the Universal Church of Jesus Christ. Immediately this makes hell out of that institution, and seek a truly evangelical church, where they preach sound doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So Rome hates the Bible, because he knows that the complaint book, if read carefully.

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