The papal bulls.

Magnum Bullarium Romanorum

Grant the Papists "Bullarium Magnum", ie the collection of papal bulls, yet equal or greater authority than the Bible, and yet all those "bulls" should be considered as "fables" and even less than that, because in the eyes of God, nothing is.

Since the Bible prophetically warns against all this through the exhortation which the apostle Paul addressed to his disciple Timothy: "I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom: Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. time will come when they will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and turn aside to myths. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry "(2 Timothy 4: 1-5).

There are also many apocryphal bulls, made ​​with later dates for the needs of the cause to defend, and attributed to the first bishops of Rome, these are the "False Decretals". As we have said, the bulls authentic, such as the "Unam Sanctam" of Boniface VIII in which ensures that no one is saved without the mediation of the Pope of Rome, are absolutely void and of no value to true Christians. This is the moment that the Pope has no authority in the Church prevail in the site or in the name of Christ as intended, nor invoking any other title.

Papal claims through their bulls

The list never intended to be exhaustive:

1. The claim of universal dominion:
Gregory VII, with his bulls, relieve the German people of obedience and submission to the authority of their emperor (that is contrary to the Bible, Rom. 13: 1)). Boniface VIII does the same with the French. Alexander VI (1491-1503), claimed that all undiscovered lands belong as pope, and to have all your pleasure as vicar of Christ.
Soon after, in "virtue" of his office, gives away millions of souls and greater territory (the Americas) to the king of Castile and Leon, who said lands and souls belong. Articles destroys Alexander VIII clergy of France ... (And countless examples). (Dictionary of Controversy, Theophilus Gay, p. 95).
2. On the persecution of true Christians:
Innocent IV issued the most terrible of all the bulls in the history of the Inquisition, the "Ad extirpanda" through that fac-bull killer, not only gave carte blanche, but in the eternal rewards to those who kill heretics.
Urban VIII, in 1627, anathematizes, condemning to death the Protestants in his "In Last Supper." Leo X through his forbidden under pain of excommunication to have any contact with Protestants by Roman Catholics. The cruel SixtoV urges the king of France to destroy all the Protestants of his kingdom. The list is endless at this point (Ibid, p.96)
3. On the false miracles:
With the intention to "make" saints that gave rise to the Roman institution, the papal bulls to proclaim the canonization of the "saints", containing fables so absurd that only remains blind to read, one who deliberately choose to be blind, and is that Roman Catholics are obliged to believe all containing the papal bulls.
Demos are some examples: San Felipe Neri was simultaneously in two different places (bull of Urban VIII, 1623, paragraph 64); believe this contradicts what the Bible teaches, because only God can be in two or more places at once . Who would be the "double" Neri?
St. Peter of Alcantara who lived in a cell of a cubic feet for forty years and did not sleep but an hour and a half per day (bull of Clement X, 1670).
Saint Bridget that often saw rising above the ground while praying (this is not nothing but the devil comes and levitation, as do Tibetan lamas or Satanists or Benin Brazil, etc. Ignacio also did Loyola), (bull of Boniface IX, 1391.
May St. Francis of Assisi received the stigmata of Christ (if that true, this would also demonic) (Bull of Gregory IX, 1327).
That Christ appeared to Saint Rose of Lima saying "Rose of my heart, despósate me" (never the Lord would speak in these terms to a woman), (bull of Clement X, 1671). Rosa called her, though in reality his name was Isabel, because it was physically graceful. So here it is intended that the people believe in a Christ physically attracted to a woman. This is blasphemous.
These are just a few examples of thousands of superstitions and lies like. Mention that Sixtus V in 1588, with a bull passed all the works of St. Bonaventure, including an edition of the Psalms by the Holy mentioned in which the name of God was always replaced by that of Mary! (Ibid, p. 96, 97)
4. About indulgences by absurd and wicked deeds:
Pope Julius II in a bull, granted an indulgence to anyone who, encountering a Frenchman, killed him, and another who killed like a Venetian! The Pope, believing God on earth, contradicts the commandment of the God of Heaven and Earth that says: Do not kill. This pope not only does that, but also promises of God Heaven who disobeys God (Ibid, p.97)
Paul III and Julius III, for a visit to the church of St Hilary in Chartres, or an Our Father or a Hail Mary every Friday, or by the presence in the procession of the "Corpus Domini", attach a bag of thousands of years of indulgence . (Ibid, 97). In fact, the popes have been in competition with each other countless granting indulgences, which, as any cost to providing the benefits, not worth anything, except the weight of sin and receive issuing them. Indulgences are only lies, deception for the grants, and deception for the recipient. The Papal Bulls have been the vehicle of all those endless fallacies.

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